March 16, 2022, | The Committee on Labor and Employment convened today, March 16 to conduct its regular meeting for the calendar year of 2022, held at the Wilmond School Supplies Building Corner and via Zoom teleconference.

Present are Chairman MP Romero K. Sema, Vice Chairman MP Atty. Maisara C. Dandamun-Latiph and other members of the Committee.
The meeting highlights the discussion of the status of the Bangsamoro Labor and Employment Code of 2022, discussion on the pending resolutions referred to the Committee of Labor and Employment, status of the Oil Depot in the Bangsamoro Region and the for possible public consultation, and other matters.

MP Maisara proposed a motion to write a letter to the new Minister of the Ministry of Labor and Employment to sponsor the pending bill on the Labor Code in the Cabinet.
MP Maisara proposed another motion regarding the work of the committee, “Committee resolution authorizing the Committee on Labor and Employment to continue its work during recess to fulfill its mandate and pending resolution and bills before it”.

On other matters, MP Maisara congratulated the Chairman of the Committee, MP Romeo K. Sema for passing two major legislations for labor and employment, both local and overseas, and the Bangsamoro Labor Code, also for being the most hardworking amongst the chair in the parliament and for doing a job well done as a Minister.
MP Latiph stressed, “the Committee on Labor and Employment headed by our chair is one of the most active if not, one of the most productive committees in the entire parliament, considering they were able to pass two major legislation for labor and employment, both local and overseas – one for illegal recruitment, another is for the OFW. I believe, one of the major legislation is the Bangsamoro Labor Code which is flagship legislation that is now pending in the cabinet, Mr. chair under your leadership, so I’d like to express my deepest congratulations to our chair who is the most hardworking amongst the chair in the parliament and also one of the most unifying chairs because you can get the best of all of us in the committee so that we can contribute to the betterment of the labor and employment in the Bangsamoro. And I’d also like to congratulate you on the job well done as a Minister considering that you have the heart for labor.”