Ministry of Public Order and Safety (MPOS), headed by Minister Hussein Muñoz, delivered hygiene and dignity kits to 216 persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) of the Provincial Jail in Barangay Simandagit in Bongao, Tawi-Tawi on April 4.
Minister Muñoz said the activity aims to provide public services, especially to Bangsamoro constituents in the island provinces, under the Bangsamoro Chief Minister Ahod Ebrahim’s guiding principle that “no one must be left behind.”
“Today we are here because of tawakkul (trusting in Allah’s plan) so that we can give relief assistance to our fellow Bangsamoro people, lillahi taala (for the sake of Allah),” Muñoz said.
The Member of Parliament added that the BARMM government has several project proposals for the island provinces, but were (unfortunately) postponed for a year due to the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic.
The Tawi-Tawi Provincial Jail consists of 172 male PDLs, who received hygiene kits; and 44 female PDLs, who received dignity kits, containing alcohol, face masks, face towel, vitamins, deodorant, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, and sanitary pads.
Meanwhile, Captain Satta Ladja, the Warden of the said Provincial Jail, thanked Minister Muñoz for personally visiting the island jail facility and its PDLs to hand over the kits. He said the BARMM government shows and reassures that they were not forgotten.
Read more:…/mpos-reaches-out-to-persons-de…/
Source: Bangsamoro Government
(Bangsamoro Information Office)