MP LATIPH TURNS OVER REPORTS TO CM EBRAHIMMP Atty. Maisara C. Dandamun-Latiph in a courtesy call to Chief Minister of the BTA Parliament, CM Ahod “Al-Haj Murad” Ebrahim, officially turned over the following for his consideration: Consultation Report on Consultation with ALIVE/ISAL teachers, Consultation Report on Consultation with Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) of the Marawi Siege, MP Maisara’s 2020 Annual Accomplishment Report, as well as a concept note on possible capital fund raising to be done by the Amanah Islamic Bank for a new parliament building which can be used by the BTA.

Immediately after the courtesy visit, MP Maisara rushed back to the plenary hall where her resolution on conducting an investigation on the COVID-19 cases in Tawi-Tawi, specifically in the Datu Halun Sakilan Memorial Hospital, was the subject of intense discussion.#BARMM#Bangsamoro#MPMaisara#EmpoweringVoices