In preparation for the regular session, MP. Atty. Maisara C. Dandamun-Latiph attended the multi-party working group caucus conducted by the Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA), in cooperation with the European Funded Bangsamoro Transition (SUBATRA), on Monday, August 16th.
During the caucus, it eas agreed that the Parliament must expeditie the approval of all pending bills calling for the upgrade and construction of the BARMM hospitals to the Committee on Health and to address the threat modelled by the new CoVid19 variant.
In accordance to the Strategic Legislative Planning Workshop conducted by SUBATRA in July, BTA went to the draft of the Government’s vision, mission, goals, objectives, achievements and core values.
Deputy Speaker Atty. Omar Yasser Sema said that the draft will be presented to the chairman’s office for approval at a session next week.
The Assembly will work on other items on the agenda, including the preparation of the 2021 Transitional Development Impact Fund (TDIF), Medical outreach programs, budget preparation, and the BTA Extension Act.
Source: Bangsamoro Transition Authority Parliament