April 27, 2021

The Ministry of Health of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (MOH-BARMM) and the National Department of Health (DOH) signed the Bangsamoro region’s Universal Health Care (UHC) Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) in a ceremony held here on Monday, April 26.

MOH Minister Dr. Bashary Latiph said the IRR would pave the way for the full implementation of UHC in BARMM, and that it is reflective of the region’s uniqueness and distinctive structure.

“The UHC affords every Bangsamoro equitable access to quality and affordable health care goods and services and protection from financial risks,” said Latiph, adding no Bangsamoro will be left behind in terms of health care.

Latiph said MOH-BARMM crafted the IRR while incorporating all inputs from the series of consultations supported by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the BARMMHealth Project.

In February 2019, President Rodrigo Duterte signed the Republic Act No. 11223, or the Universal Health Care (UHC) Law which automatically includes all Filipinos into the national health insurance program under the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth).

With the UHC IRR signed, local governments in BARMM must register their constituents to a primary health care provider in their jurisdiction in close coordination with PhilHealth and MOH-BARMM.

Latiph said the success of UHC in BARMM hinges on the full cooperation of local governments through the Provincial Health Boards.

The IRR established the UHC BARMM Regional Management Council (RMC), which will oversee UHC implementation in BARMM.

The RMC shall set the BARMM health policy directions, supervise, and monitor the integration and delivery of health services across the health care continuum. It shall also establish monitoring and evaluation protocols in the implementation of the Special Health Fund.

Dr. Abdullah Dumama, Jr., DOH undersecretary for Visayas and Mindanao field implementation and coordination team, said the UHC IRR is a significant milestone in pushing for health reforms in BARMM.

“The signing of UHC IRR is a clear manifestation of the BARMM Government’s sincerity to uplift the lives of the Bangsamoro people,” said Dumama.

BARMM Chief Minister Ahod Ebrahim commended the MOH-BARMM and all sectors that contributed to the crafting of the UHC IRR.

“I thank everyone for making this possible and we remain one with the idea that health care is not just a privilige, but a right that every Filipino and Bangsamoro must enjoy,” Ebrahim said in a video message.

Source: Bangsamoro Government
(Bangsamoro Information Office)

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