Message of MP Atty. Maisara Dandamun-Latiph
Women’s Month Celebration
March 01, 2021
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.
The tradition of celebrating National Women’s Month represents decades of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development. On March 8 we celebrate the achievements of women globally, although the whole month of March is designated as National Women’s Month. This month-long celebration is anchored on the theme “We Make Change Work for Women” which highlights the role of women as active contributors and proponents of development. Each part of the theme has a meaning. ‘WE’ stands for ‘Women Empowerment’. It also means ‘we’, or the collective process that is involved in promoting gender equality which also involves everyone. ‘Make Change Work’ or ‘MCW’ also represents the national landmark legislation for women, the ‘Magna Carta for Women’ which should serve as the framework for all national and regional efforts, policies, and programs on women. ‘CHANGE’ means ‘Compassionate and Harmonized Actions and Networks for Gender Equality’. All this together symbolizes the sustained commitment of all relevant stakeholders in making change work for women.
This celebration is aimed not only to recognize women for their significant contributions around the world, but also to remember our ancestors and women heroes for their undeniable contributions which have inspired us and given us courage.
As a Muslim, a woman, and an advocate all together, I want to briefly mention a great woman of Islam who can serve as an inspiration for us all. Khadijah (May Allah be pleased with her.), the first wife of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was an empowered woman ahead of her times. She was a businesswoman and a widow. Due to her admiration of the Prophet, she proposed marriage to him who was younger than her. She was a woman who was confident in herself, could provide for herself and her family, and took charge of her own destiny. More than that, when the Prophet was shaken due to his encounter with the Angel Jibril, it was she who gave him confidence and became his first believer – the first believer of Islam. She went through a great amount of suffering and undertook many sacrifices just to support this Ummah (nation) by giving her wealth and rendering her services in Islam. The Holy Prophet never forgot her great service in Islamic faith and he would in fact always remind others of her great favor years after her passing. She is indeed a great example for women in Islam, and women everywhere around the world – an empowered woman who empowers others.
Every woman has the innate potential to become innovators, change makers, and community-builders for a positive and well-developed society. In the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) through the Bangsamoro Women Commission (BWC) with the cooperation of every stakeholder in the Government, Civil Society, and the Private Sector, we can achieve mutual respect, solidarity, peace, and the promotion and preservation of human dignity which is the core of a progressive nation and region that we all want to achieve. Our office commits to continue building partnerships with other agencies to support women in achieving economic independence, eradicating poverty, having access to quality healthcare, and in decision-making and nation-building.
It has been nearly a year since COVID-19 gripped our country in its grasp. Just as women have always been the vanguards of the family and the home, the pandemic did not hinder them from taking care of their loved ones. They maintain cleanliness and protect their family members in the home. At the same time, they have been fighting at the frontlines as doctors, nurses, teachers and making sure that like a well-run household, our society also continues to work in an organized manner and does not collapse. We salute all of these brave women, seen or unseen for their invaluable service.
Bangsamoro Women and Girls have already broken gender stereotypes and have succeeded in various fields. Let us all make a sustainable and developed society through our strength and resilience in this trying time. Women’s participation and empowerment are fundamental in strengthening women’s rights and enabling them to have control over their lives and exert influence in society. Let us all renew our effort to #MakeChangeWorkforWomen and #MakeChangeWorkforBangsamoroWomen and continue to take the necessary steps to achieve and narrow the growing gender gaps that create the disparities that hinders all of us from enjoying a just and prosperous society.
Happy National Women’s Month all over the world!