The office of MP Maisara C. Dandamun-Latiph in partnership with the Community Leader Ms. Mohlisah M. Monadato, distributed relief assistance to the most in need constituents of Dumpsite, Brgy. Caniogan Papandayan, Marawi City.
A total of 150 families who belong to sectors such as solo parents, senior citizens, drivers were the beneficiaries of the said relief.

These families were low daily income earners. Sometimes, they get food from garbages being thrown there when they have nothing.
Thank you very much to Commissioner Ammal D. Solaiman and volunteers who were tirelessly there to assist in the preparation and distribution of the relief goods. May Allah grant all our intentions and efforts. Ameen!

The Office of MP Maisara will continue to exert effort to reach the other areas and municipalities, In shaa Allah!