COVID-19 News | 778 confirmed CoViD-19 cases in BARMM as of September 11, 2020
Maguindanao – 113
Lanao del Sur/Marawi City – 409
Basilan/Lamitan City – 108
Sulu – 18
Tawi-Tawi- 10
Total Reported Death: 23
Total Reported Suspect: 566
![Image may contain: text that says 'ولهالرَالم Republic the Philippines Bangsamoro Autonomous Region Muslim Mindanao MINISTRY OF HEALT MOH-BARMM Compound, BARMM Complex RH7, Cotabato City 552-0086, COVID Graph Report September 2020 Graph Suspect number Cases by Provinces Probable vs Confirmed VS Death Maguindanao LDS/Marawi Bas/LAmitan Sulu Sibakil BASULTALS 200 250 Death 300 Confirmed Probable Suspect 400 Provinces/Area 450 Suspect Probable Confirmed 87 189 92 133 35 Death (confirmed) Maguindanao LDS/Marawi Basilan/Lamitan Sulu Tawi-Tawi Sibakil sland BASULTA TOTAL 113 409 108 18 10 16 566 NEW **with 12 120 (52%) case 10 23 confirmed coses confirmed Data RESU-MOH-BARMM from Lango today. Situational Sur/Marawi City. No. 180'](
![Image may contain: text that says 'واهلرلم Republic fthe Philippines Bangsamoro Autonomous Region Muslim Mindanao MINISTRY OF HEALTH MOH-BARMM BARMM Complex, RH7. Cotabato City (064) 421-3988 (064) 21-6842 E-mail: Page: IE Graph 2.Daily Cumulative Number of Cases Suspect Probable Confirmed May present 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 200 Note: Number Suspect deoths are included this graph. Probable Confirmed Graph Daily Cumulative Number of Death Suspect Probable Confirmed May to Present @ Note: Only Deaths Suspect Probable coses are included this groph. Confirmed Data source: MOH-BARMM Situational Report No. 180 RESU-MOH-BARMM'](
![Image may contain: text that says 'KEULL وهلرجَالحم Republic fthe Philippines Bangsamoro Autonomous Region Muslim Mindanao MINISTRY OF HEALT MOH-BARMM Compound, BARMM omplex, RH7, Cotabato City Tel: (064) (064) 6842 Page: E-mail: Graph4. Daily Number of New Cases Suspect Probable Confirmed March 17 to Present 160 140 100 80 40 Suspect robable Confirmed 140 Graph 5. COVID Confirmed Cases March 18 1st case) Present 120 100 80 60 40 20 confirmec pan their RESU-MOH-BARMM Situational Report Returning Overseas 180 confirmed coses) out /16 locally odmitted salation acility'](
![Image may contain: text that says 'LEULD P E-mail: واهلرَجالحم Republic fthe Philippines Bangsamoro Autonomous Region Muslim Mindanao MINISTRY OF HEALTH MOH-BARMM Compound, BARMM omplex RH7. Cotabato City (064) 421-3988 (064) 6842 Graph 6. Cumulative number March case) 900 800 COVID Confirmed Cases Present 00 Graph Distribution of Confirmed Cases by Provinces LSIvs. Non-LSI/ROF MAG LDS/MC BASILAN SULU TAWI ROF NON-LSI/ROF 778 confirmed canfirmed Returning OFWs LSI (BASULTA) Stranded Individuals (; 42% are non-LSI/ROF while BaSulTa arrived Samples are were rerouted Sultan Kudarat, ofJuly CRMC Report Data source: Situational Report No. 180 RESU-MOH-BARMM were immediately swabbed RT-PCR. 180: Table 10.5 and table'](
![Image may contain: text that says 'Republic the Philippines Bangsamoro Autonomous Region Muslim Mindanao PRRN MOH-BARMM Complex RH7, Cotabato City 1-6842 Graph Daily Data cases rovinces LDS/MC Bas/LC awi-TAw Aug23 Sibakil Mag Aug25 Aug26 Aug27 Sibakil 80 80 178 182 187 187 90 90 90 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 35 35 35 35 35 30 30 30 30 35 Sep8 189 Sep10 Sep11 n 30 92 133 133 133 133 189 87 Situational Report RESU-MOH-BARMM 180 35 35 30 30 30'](
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See below more details in the infographics from the Ministry of Health (MOH)-BARMM.
Source: Ministry of Health (MOH)-BARMM