CoViD-19 cases 1106 in BARMM | September 29, 2020

September 30, 2020

COVID-19 News | 1124 confirmed CoViD-19 cases in BARMM as of September 29, 2020

Maguindanao – 148
Lanao del Sur/Marawi City – 615
Basilan/Lamitan City – 116
Sulu – 19
Tawi-Tawi- 106

Total Reported Death: 46
Total Reported Suspect: 588
Total Reported Recovery: 862

See below more details in the infographics from the Ministry of Health (MOH)-BARMM.

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No photo description available.Image may contain: text that says 'BANGSAMORO COVID-19 BANGSAMORO INTER-AGENCY TASK FORCE ON COVID-19 PROFILES OF CONFIRMED COVID-19 CASES as of 06:00 PM September 29, 2020 1107th Confirmed Case in BARMM Female Marawi City, anao del Sur exposure: Confirmed Result: Positive for COVID-19 PH --- 1108th Confirmed Case in BARMM years Male Marawi Lanao Ongoing investigation Sur -Laboratory Result: Positive COVID-19 PH --- 1109th Confirmed Case in BARMM Female Lanao del Sur xposure: ongoing nvestigation Laboratory Result: Positive for COVID-19 PH --- years 1110th Confirmed Case in BARMM Male from Marawi Lanao exposure Ongoing investigation Sur Laboratory Result: Positive COVID-19 PH --- @BangsamoroTaskForceonCOVID19'Image may contain: text that says 'BANGSAMORO COVID-19 BANGSAMORO INTER-AGENCY TASK FORCE ON COVID-19 PROFILES OF CONFIRMED COVID-19 CASES as of 06:00 PM September 29, 2020 1111th Confirmed Case in BARMM from Marawi exposure Ongoing nvestigation Sur Laboratory Result: Positive for COVID-19 PH --- 1112th Confirmed Case in BARMM years Male from Poona bayabao, Lanao Ongoing investigation Sur -Laboratory Result: Positive COVID-19 PH --- 1113th Confirmed Case in BARMM History Female Marantao, exposure: ongoing investigation Sur Laboratory Result: Positive for COVID-19 PH --- 1114th Confirmed Case in BARMM from Marawi Lanao exposure: Ongoing investigation COVID-19 Sur -Laboratory Result: Positive PH --- @BangsamoroTaskForceonCOVID19'Image may contain: textImage may contain: textImage may contain: text that says 'BANGSAMORO COVID-19 BANGSAMORO INTER-AGENCY TASK FORCE ON COVID-19 PROFILES OF CONFIRMED COVID-19 CASES as of 06:00 PM September 29, 2020 1123th Confirmed Case in BARMM Female Maluso, Basilan History exposure: Ongoing nvestigation Laboratory Result: Positive for COVID-19 PH --- 1124th Confirmed Case in BARMM years ld. Male from Bongao, Tawi Tawi exposure: Ongoing investigation -Laboratory Result: Positive for COVID-19 PH --- @BangsamoroTaskForceonCOVID1g'

Source: Bangsamoro Inter Agency Task Force on COVID-19

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