January 28, 2021 | Consultation with ALIVE Teachers and ISAL Teachers in Aid of Legislation
The Office of MP Atty. Maisara C. Dandamun-Latiph conducted a consultation program for the ALIVE and ISAL Teachers in Aid of Legislation to obtain a deeper understanding on the issues and concerns of the Bangsamoro Asatidz and explore insights that could address their plight.

The consultation commenced with a short and substantive lectures delivered by the two (2) invited speakers: Dr. Jamel Cayamodin and Ms. Normala Pumbagul, explaining to the participants the background of ALIVE Program from ARMM to BARMM and understanding the reasons behind its establishment.

The program was divided into three key discussion areas, to wit:

a. General concerns about the Alive/Isal Programs;
b. Hiring and Selection Process; and
c. Unpaid allowances of the Alive teachers SY 2020.

During the consultation proper, invited participants including the speakers expressed their sentiments, raised clarifications and questions, provided suggestions and recommendations – which were documented for policy formulation. The three divisions of Lanao were well represented by the selected invitees considering the current pandemic.

As MP Maisara stated during her welcome remarks, “We really hope to hear more from you and to share your experiences, relevant insights and knowledge about this matter because this will help us to come up to a certain aid of legislation.” “I want to let you know that I am there with you, and I will support you, and I will bring up your voices, sentiments and concerns all the way to the Parliament,” she added.

Our office would like to thank all of our invitees and speakers for the untiring cooperation during the consultation.

We hope to Allah to guide us in bringing up your voices to the appropriate ministries, agencies and offices.
