February 18, 2022| Tugaya Artisan Village to be established under MP Maisara's TDIF to be implemented by Ministry of Trade, Investments, and Tourism MTIT presented the implementation plan of the Establishing an Artisan Village in Tugaya Lanao del Sur. The said project...
MP Maisara Articles
MP Latiph Defended PR NO. 650 in the BTA Parliament third Regular Session
As one of the co-authors, Member of the Parliament Atty. Maisara C. Dandamun-Latiph defended Proposed Resolution No. 650 in the BTA Parliament's third regular session. PR No. 650 is a resolution appealing to President Rodrigo Duterte to sign Senate Bill No. 2420 and...
Financial Assistance to Laborers Affected by Covid-19 Pandemic
February 9, 2022| The Office of MP Atty. Maisara C. Dandamun-Latiph provided cash assistance amounting to Php 5,000 to eight ( Laborers affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic in Lanao del Sur. Recipients are construction workers who are financially challenged due to the...
(25) Dressmaking NCII Trainees Under Siyap Ko Mga Bae Received Training Support Fund
February 10, 2022| After passing the given assessment, trainees under Siyap ko mga bae: a training for sustainable livelihood program on dressmaking NCII, a flagship program of the Women and Gender and Development Sector of the office of MP Maisara C. Dandamun-Latiph,...
Watch 2021 Ulat sa Bangsamoro ni MP Maisara Dandamun – Latiph
We are happy to share with you our Ulat Bangsamoro Video! Ulat Bangsamoro summarizes the major Accomplishments of MP Atty. Maisara Dandamun-Latiph for the year 2021 (January to December). It highlights the accomplishments of Atty. Maisara as mandated for three major...
Public Consultation on Proposed Bangsamoro Local Government Code (BTA Bill No. 58)
Public Consultation on Proposed Bangsamoro Local Government Code (BTA Bill No. 58) in District I of Lanao del Sur at Provincial Capitol of Lanao del Sur. Invited resource persons are Municipal Mayors, Vice Mayors, Councilors, and ABC Presidents.