February 22, 2022| The Office of MP Atty. Maisara Dandamun - Latiph visited the office of the Ministry of Public Order and Safety to fast track the implementation of the TDIF 2021—Establishment of Peace Center in Marawi City. The MPOS Peace Center shall be used as...
MP Maisara Articles
MP Latiph Visited the office of MP Diamila Disimban Ramos to discuss future partnership and collaboration
February 22, 2022| Member of the Bangsamoro Parliament Atty. Maisara C. Dandamun-Latiph together with her Women Sectoral Representative and Gender and Development focal person, Ms. Hassana H.Malic Visited the office of MP Diamila Disimban Ramos to discuss future...
The Ministry of Health Dr. Basary Latiph and MP Dandamun-Latiph Successfully Conducted The Medical Mission in the Municipality of Tugaya
Alhamdulillah! February 21, 2022 | The Ministry of Health under the leadership Dr. Basary Latiph and through the initiative of Member of the Parliament, Atty. Maisarah Dandamun-Latiph successfully conducted the Medical Mission in the municipality of Tugaya. Our...
Medical Mission at Tugaya Lanao Del Sur
February 21, 2021| The Office of Member of Parliament Atty. Maisara Dandamun-Latiph initiated Medical Mission at Tugaya, Lanao del Sur. This was implemented by the Ministry of Health headed by Minister Dr. Bashary Latiph. This catered to almost 1000 recipients from...
BTA MP Latiph attended the Committee on Rules meeting to discuss bills and resolutions
February 21, 2022| Member of the BTA Parliament Atty. Maisara C. Dandamun-Latiph attended the Committee on Rules meeting to discuss bills and resolutions that are referred to the said committee. The committee agreed to establish a Technical Working Group (TWG) to...
MP Maisara met with MP Richard Graham, chair of WFD’s of Board of Governor
February 18, 2021| MP Maisara met with MP Richard Graham, chair of WFD's of Board of Governor MP Maisara and fellow members of BTA parliament as well as Chevening scholars were invited to a lunch meeting with MP Richard Graham to discuss the impact of Westminister...