The Office of MP Atty. Maisara Dandamun-Latiph distributed Relief Assistance to 150 Bangsamoro people in Barangay Batasan, Talanay Road Area B, Muslim Compound.
Recipients received 4Kg Sinandomeng Rice, 4 packs of Lucky Me Chicken Noodles, 4 cans of Mega Sardines, 5 packs of Great Taste White Coffee Mix, and a pack of loaf bread.

Batasan Hills Mosque Al-Islamia, Inc. Was built in 1998, from a simple mosque built with the help of the community around the area by both Muslims and Non-Muslims, the mosque was built with the peoples’ financial support and physical and moral support.
Though the Mosque needs more improvement with its structure, it has kept its role to keep the community in peace and harmony. The community living around the mosque comes from different religious beliefs and different Muslim tribes with unique stories, they have respected each other’s religious and cultural beliefs and loved each other’s neighbors. These people are very welcoming and are very simple.
Special Thanks to Imam Akhmad Wahab, Deputy Commander Philippine Coast Guard, and Datu Taha Mamalintaw for reaching out to the office of MP Atty. Maisarah Dandamun Latip, extending the urge for the need of services in terms of relief goods effort for the people of their community.
The said project made the people of the community happy and glad that their request was granted through the offices’ project entitled SIYAP KO MGA BANGSAMORO COMMUNITIES OUTSIDE BARMM RAMADHAN TABANG FOR VULNERABLE initiated by the Office of MP Atty. Maisarah Dandamun-Latiph. They were grateful, knowing that they are not being forgotten by their own leaders in BARMM.
As the saying of Prophet Muhammad (saw) goes “He is not a believer whose stomach is filled while his neighbor is hungry”, may this be a reminder for every one and may the Almighty accept all our good intentions in this Holy Month, Ramadhan.