In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
April 11, 2021
Announcement on the result of the moonsighting for Ramadan 1442 H.
Praise be to Allah, peace and blessing be upon the Messenger of Allah. Thereafter to proceed:
Based on the hadith of the Allah’s Messenger, peace and blessing be upon him: “Fast when you see it (the crescent of Ramadan) and break the fast when you see it (the crescent of Shawwāl), and if it is obscured from you (too cloudy), then complete Sha’ban a thirty (days)” The Ulama of Darul Ifta headed by Mufti Abuhuraira A. Udasan, assigned a group to perform moonsighting this evening, Sunday, 29 Sha’ban 1442 H. Corresponding to 11th of April 2021. They (the said group) have performed what they were assigned to do, and then finally, the result of the moonsighting is that the moon-crescent has not been sighted.
Based on this, the Bangsamoro Darul-Ifta’ has decided that the beginning of Ramadan will be on Tuesday 13th of April, 2021 In shā Allah.
Peace and Allah’s mercy and blessings be upon you.
Mufti of the Bangsamoro
Bangsamoro Darul-Ifta’-BARMM
Source: Bangsamoro Darul-Ifta’-BARMM