3rd Runner-Up, Growing Seed of Hope Photography Contest
I was inspired by my mother in law who loves fresh veggies and herbs. So I started growing and nurturing different kind of vegetables in my yard which is only 18inches wide and 4 meters long. I bet you have already imagine how small my garden is.

Since we have lots of water bottles and other plastics I decide to recycle them instead of dumping them I used them as a seed bedding and hang them in my garden. I have save a lot of space by doing so. I also bought small pots that would also serve as a seed bedding. Good thing that my garden is exposed to sunlight, meaning my plants could get enough sunlight light they need in order to grow. It is not really easy at first, because I have to juggle my time between work, family and my newly found hobby, but as time went by, I have learned to balance and enjoy all of it.
Every morning before going to work and in the afternoon after work I always make sure to water them and give them the care that they need. It would be very nice to have a bigger and wider sustainable vegetable garden so that I could share vegetables to my neighbors. But still I am happy that I get to maximize my small yard as a bountiful garden. As of now I have native eggplant, tomatoes, spinach (alugbati), onions, carrots, Chinese white cabbage (pitchay), okra, pipino, spices like chili (luya), ginger, sitaw, kangkong, taklak and other native veggies. Soon, I will have a feast of veggies in my dining table and I am really looking forward to it.
We may think that we are nurturing our garden, but in deeper sense it’s our garden that is really nurturing us. Why? Because gardening helped us relax and get distracted from the toxicity of life. It put foods to our table, it brings us joy watching them grow and it gives us a different kind of gratitude whenever they bear fruits. It also symbolizes hope because every time those tiny little seeds sprang, a hope of new life is about to begin. In simple sense our garden makes us happy, bring us joy and hope.
I really love gardening. I wish that I have inspired my neighbors to have their own garden too. I am really happy whenever they appreciate and commend my effort in gardening. It would really be nice and fun if I can influence them to start gardening.
We could all agree that garden is a source of profit, of substantial comfort and of high intellectual gratitude.
In this time of pandemic where physical and mental health is at stake, we need to have a diversion; any activity that will divert our minds from this tedious and serious crisis we are currently facing.
It could be arts, music, books, movies or anything that would entertain and distract us from worrying too much.
I humbly suggest to try gardening may it be veggies, flowers, tress or herbs. Your journey will be worthwhile!