“Earnestly Urging the Congress of the Philippines to Concur with the Proclamations issued by his Excellency President Rodrigo Roa Duterte in Granting Amnesty to the Political Crimes of the Members of Moro Islamic Liberation Front and Moro National Liberation Front.”
The resolution introduced and principally authored by MP Atty. Maisara C. Dandamun-Latiph have been duly adopted by the BTA Parliament.
Co-authors: MP Basit S. Abbas, MP Eddie M. Alih, MP Dr. Susana S. Anayatin, MP Muslima A. Asmawil, MP Bai Maleiha B. Candao, MP Saffrullah M. Dipatuan, M.D., MP Abdullah B. Hashim, MP Dr. Marjanie M. Macasalong, and MP Suwaib L. Oranon