Watch and Read The Support Statement of MP Latiph in the 18-Days Campaign of the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Children

November 28, 2021

Support Statement of MP Atty. Maisara C. Dandamun-Latiph in the 18-Days Campaign of the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Children. This was delivered during the 3rd State of the Bangsamoro Women Address held last November 25, 2021.

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Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh!

Today, everyone around the world is championing the advocacy on ending Violence Against Women. Our Office is one with the nation in the observance of the National Consciousness Day for the 18-Day Campaign for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (VAW) that is observed annually from November 26 to December 12 as mandated by Proclamation 1172 s. 2006 to raise awareness among all stakeholders that Violence Against Women (VAW) is a public issue of national concern. This year’s campaign adopts the theme “VAW-free Community Starts with Me” with the slogan, Bangsamoro Marespeto: Safe Space, Kasali Tayo. This campaign supports the Philippine government’s goal of protecting the human rights of women and girls by upholding its commitment to address all forms of gender-based violence as enshrined in the 1987 Constitution.

Freedom from VAW is everyone’s concern because women’s battle, everyone’s fight. In support of this worldwide campaign in the Philippines and in the Bangsamoro region, I am encouraging everyone to support and fight for the Elimination of Violence Against Women all over the region and in the country, to raise greater public awareness on the issues faced by women and girls, and to push for measures that will protect them from any form of harassment or discrimination. It is important to give emphasis to this campaign by having functional mechanisms that are operated by competent and capable duty-bearers with a sense of responsibility and accountability in addressing Violence Against Women (VAW) under the theme “VAW-free Community Starts with Me.” This 2021 Campaign is considered as another turning point in VAW advocacy as it comes at a time when the country is reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic which has aggravated underlying gender issues and affected marginalized and vulnerable sectors, including women and girls. This year’s campaign is a fitting time for duty-bearers and advocates to reflect. The reality is that even now, women and girls may be experiencing different forms of VAW while locked down in their homes.

This year’s campaign emphasizes positive advocacy messaging by giving emphasis to everyone’s commitment and contributions in ending VAW and our collaborative pursuit of our common vision of a VAW-free Community.

I pray to Almighty God that all women and girls who suffer from domestic violence, trafficking and other forms of violence are granted strength to stand up against all forms of violence. May they have the courage to break their silence, find their protection, healing, justice, and empowerment. May their cause never be forgotten and may they find support in their allies. May everything, we do be done with love and respect for our fellow humans regardless of age, sex, class, culture, ethnicity, or ability and may we all be bestowed with the capacity to promote, protect and fulfill the rights of women and girls. Spread the word and God bless!

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Video from Bangsamoro Women Commission Facebook Page



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